Homes & Basics for the Nargis Victims
The project aims to build as many houses as possible and as quickly as possible to shelter the families, made homeless by the Cyclone Nargis from the monsoon rain. We also wish to provide basic household necessities for the families. We are to supplement and support the efforts of the officials and we will be carrying out our projects in accordance with the rules and guidelines set by the officials.
This non-profit, non-political project is a cooperation between Myanmar Marketing Association (MMktA) and Online Donation Group. Myanmar Marketing Association is responsible for the fund-raising and marketing activities while Online Donation will be gathering information and implementing the housing projects inAyeyarwaddy Division. Both groups are formed with unpaid volunteers.
Bamboo Houses
The houses will be built with bamboos and will have a tarpaulin roof. The roofs will need to be changed after a year and the houses will need major repairs after 3 years. We hope the families will be more settled by that time.
Floor space: 153 sq ft (9 ft x 17 ft) Height inside: 6 – 9 ft Elevation from ground – 2.5 to 3 ft
Doors: 2 (front and back)
Windows: 4 (2 on each side)
Donation required for a house: 100,000 kyats
A Plea for Generous Donations
We understand how requests for Nargis donations are plenty these days and how they could have been strenuous on all of us. Thanks to the solidarity of our Myanmar people and people around the world and their unprecedented generosities, over a million people have been saved from any further harms. However, many of the victims are still living in hardship and dealing with the aftermath of the disaster.
The Ayeyarwaddy delta is one of the most fertile lands in the world and the people living there are among the most productive. The generations of people living there have worked the land very hard and fed the people of Myanmar and the world. Now is the time to payback what they have been given to us all along, to rebuild their lives and create a better future for all of us.
A proper shelter is one of their most basic requirements to rehabilitate their lives. The monsoon rains in the delta region could bring various hazards to the homeless families. It is a worthy humanitarian cause and our members are as determined as you are to help them get back on their ways of lives as soon as possible. We will be responsible with your donations and you will be able to witness how we can make a real difference together.
Request for a Time Gap
The housing projects will be undertaken for one village after another as soon as funds become available. There could be a small time gap between the time we receive your donation and the time we start building the house you donated because we have to wait for enough funds to carry out the whole project. Your donation will be assigned a number and you will be able to check on MMktA's website where and when the house is being build.
Information for Donors
We want to keep donors informed of the development of the projects via e-mails and MMktA's website. If required, we will contact you by phone. We will inform you of the specific location of the house, when a house is going to be built. When the project for one whole village is completed, a "houses warming celebration" will be held and you will be invited to hand over the houses to the family and celebrate with them. Donors, however, would have to bear their own expenses for the trip and are responsible for their own health and safety. If the donors do not wish to go with the group, we will send you a photo of the beneficiary family with the donated house.
Management of Funds
Myanmar Marketing Association's founding members have contributed a fund specifically for marketing and fund-raising operations so no fund-raising related costs will be deducted from the donations. Your donations will be spent solely on the required materials and their logistics costs. All spending will be systematically recorded and reported. The estimated cost of a house is over 80,000 kyats and although we will be sourcing locally, the logistics costs for the materials for a house could vary around 5000 kyats. However, we would like to make room the fluctuations in prices. So, we are requesting a donation of 100,000 kyats for a house. When there are proceeds, the money will be pooled to build toilets and buy household necessities such as mosquito nets, cooking pots and utensils for the families.
Current Housing Project
During the last week of June, Online Donation will start building 32 houses in Kwaye Chaung Village in Ngaputaw Township with their leftover funds. Over more than 300 houses are needed to rebuild Thaung Lay Village in the same township. The project will begin as soon as we have enough funding.
Cyclone Shelters
If you are financially privileged, we also urge you to consider donating for the cyclone shelter projects initiated by Myanmar Engineering Society. They will save thousands of people in the future since the storms could become frequent with global climate change. A large shelter for up to 1,000 people can cost around 30,000 USD and a small one can cost around 7,500 USD. They can also double as community centers or monasteries in normal time and will accelerate the development of the villages around them. You can directly contact MES or we could do so on your behalf.
A Charity Concert with the Yangon Orchestra
You can also contribute for the Homes & Basics Project by purchasing the Yangon Orchestra Charity Concert tickets. We hope to raise 1.5 to 2 million kyats separately from the event. The Yangon Orchestra is an affiliate of Myanmar Marketing Association and the non-profit musical society is formed with the best classical youth musicians in Myanmar. We are still organizing the event and the exact time and place will be announced soon. The musicians and volunteers are donating their services and we are seeking a location sponsorship for the event from a hotel.
Websites of the Associations in Alliance
1. The Yangon Orchestra (http://www.yangonorchestra.org/)
2. Online Donation (http://www.online-donation.org/)
(A Myanmar Times article about the charity - http://www.mmtimes.com/no369/n016.htm)
3. Myanmar Marketing Association (www.freewebs.com/myanmarmarketing)
1. myanmarmarketingassociation@gmail.com
2. onlinedonation@gmail.com
3. info@yangonorchestra.org
4. Ko Myo Min ACIM – CIM – UK, Founding Member, Chairperson of the Working Committee, Myanmar Marketing Association, Principal, Professional Studies (Accredited College of the ABE – UK). Ph: (09) 511 6544, myominmight@gmail.com
5. Ko Aung Chit Khin ACIM, UK. MABE, UK, Founding Member, CSR Function Coordinator, Myanmar Marketing Association. Editor-in-Chief, Putet Comics Journal, Yinmar Music Production, Ph: (09) 511 7570, blue4peace@gmail.com
6. Ko Aung Myo Thu, Founder and Organizer, Online Donation (01) 374238 7. Ko Han Thaw Zay, Founder and Organizer, Ph: (09) 5018328
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